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Your septic system is like a bacteria ZOO and there are many components that are needed to keep the ecosystem operation going. That includes the bacteria, what is disposed of in the system

(that’s basically what feeds the bacteria), oxygen, water,solids, drain field, and more. They all need to be running in sync and at peak performance in order to sustain the system. If even one of these components fails to function as it should, the system could be derailed, and that could mean thousands of dollars spent on septic system repairs.

There are 2 kinds of septic systems; Anaerobic and Aerobic.

  • Anaerobic systems are your typical gravity systems and some pump systems are closed loop and that generates bacteria that does not live or grow when oxygen is present.
  • Aerobic systems typically have some way for oxygen to added to the septic tank and that generates bacteria that can survive and grow in an oxygenated environment.

Septic Tank and Laterals In The Field

Aerobic bacteria is also 20-30 times more aggressive at dissolving solids (feeding on them) and keeping the solids in the septic tank at the minimum. That in turn equates to pumping the septic tank less often, typically every 3-5 years however, the frequency of pumping a septic tank depends largely on what you dispose into the system. For instance, just flushing expired medication can kill all the bacteria in your septic tank. And it does not matter if it’s aerobic or anaerobic bacteria, all antibiotics should not be disposed in your septic system.

An aerobic system is a better choice when it comes to replacing your septic system and oxygen is one of the most important components. It helps regulate the growth of aerobic bacteria, it regulates the process of breaking down solids, and it continues to work as it travels through the laterals and into the soil. It works at peak performance until it dies from the lack of oxygen and anaerobic bacteria starts to be created.

There are two main roles for oxygen in a septic system:

  1. Bacteria Regulation: Oxygen contributes to generating aerobic bacteria and they in turn regulate your septic system. If your system is too low on oxygen, it may be necessary to add an aerator to your tank. Aeration is the process of forcing additional oxygen into your septic system. Having the right level of oxygen in your septic tank will help ensure that the aerobic bacteria is able to sustain itself not die and for the system to turn septic/anaerobic. The aerobic oxygen consuming bacteria is a critical function of any septic system. Aerobic bacteria breaks down slime that naturally accumulates in your tank over time and it continues to break it down as it travels through the laterals and the gravel and soil in the septic-field. Too much oxygen and you’ll get an overpopulation of bacteria, but too little oxygen and the biomat slime will start to build up in the drain-field. If the biomat builds up for too long, it will start to inhibit the soil’s ability to absorb the effluent water causing the water to come to the surface in the septic filed and the septic tank to overflow.
  2. Drain Field Maintenance: Oxygen also plays a major role in keeping the drain-field from getting biomat from building up in the laterals, stone and sand layers and the surrounding soil. This is all because of the oxygen enriched water that flows out of the septic tank and through laterals in the drain-field. This oxygen enriched water brings lots of aerobic bacteria along with it and it helps it live longer and to thrive. Aerobic bacteria 20-30 times more aggressive at dissolving solids and it thrives in a oxygen rich environments. As the water with the high count aerobic bacteria flows through the pipes and laterals in the drain-filed they help to break down solids and biomat before they have a chance to build up and cause a blockage and possibly backup into the home or business.
    If your septic system stops working, it may be because the balance of oxygen has been shifted – causing fewer bacteria, more solids, and a higher likelihood of blockages. Before resorting to expensive repairs, contact         Septic RX™ today,